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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

Table of Contents
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Explicit Constructions of Depth-$2$ Majority Circuits for Comparison and Addition

Noga Alon and Jehoshua Bruck

pp. 1-8

The Number of Degree-Restricted Rooted Maps on the Sphere

Edward A. Bender and E. Rodney Canfield

pp. 9-15

The Graph Partitioning Polytope on Series-Parallel and $4$-Wheel Free Graphs

Sunil Chopra

pp. 16-31

On the Interplay Between Interval Dimension and Dimension

S. Felsner, M. Habib, and R. H. Möhring

pp. 32-40

The Private Neighbor Cube

Michael Fellows, Gerd Fricke, Stephen Hedetniemi, and David Jacobs

pp. 41-47

Bell Inequalities, Grothendieck's Constant, and Root Two

P. C. Fishburn and J. A. Reeds

pp. 48-56

Extremal Problems in the Construction of Distributed Loop Networks

D. Frank Hsu and Xing-De Jia

pp. 57-71

On-Line Coloring and Recursive Graph Theory

H. A. Kierstead, S. G. Penrice, and W. T. Trotter

pp. 72-89

Littlewood-Offord Inequalities for Random Variables

I. Leader and A. J. Radcliffe

pp. 90-101

The Combinatorics of Perfect Authentication Schemes

Chris Mitchell, Michael Walker, and Peter Wild

pp. 102-107

Fault-Tolerant Circuit-Switching Networks

Nicholas Pippenger and Geng Lin

pp. 108-118

Sorting on a Mesh-Connected Computer with Delaying Links

Bogdan S. Chlebus, Krzysztof Diks, and Andrzej Pelc

pp. 119-132

Labeling Chordal Graphs: Distance Two Condition

Denise Sakai

pp. 133-140

Polyhedral Characterization of the Economic Lot-Sizing Problem with Start-Up Costs

C. P. M. van Hoesel, A. P. M. Wagelmans, and L. A. Wolsey

pp. 141-151

A Note on Multiset Permutations

Lily Yen

pp. 152-155